Cougar sightings in Port Moody
There has been many cougar sightings in Port Moody in the past few months. My husband spotted a cougar strolling on Ioco Rd in the early hours last Friday. He called 911 & Port Moody police responded in under 5 minutes, which shows their great concern for public safety. If you are a resident of Port Moody and have ever dealt with the PMPD, then you know how amazing they are at keeping Port Moody one of the safest communites. Here is a response from the PMPD regarding an email my husband sent them regarding the recent cougar sightings:
Hi Parsha,
Thank you for bringing forward your concerns in regards to the recent sightings of cougars in Port Moody.
I have spoken with the BC Conservation service and they are aware of the recent sightings as well. Anytime the Port Moody Police receive reports of cougar sightings, we do notify the BC Conservations Service.
If any animal is behaving in an aggressive manner in a populated area, the police and Conservation will respond and do what is needed to ensure the safety of the public.
I have spoken with both the BC Provincial Conservation Report line and the Conservation Officer that is directly assigned to the area. Both provided the following information.
Cougars are typically nocturnal animals and deer is their primary source of food. Due to the heavy snow pack, it is likely that the animals that we are seeing are moving down the mountain with the deer. Within populated areas, cougars can often find other food sources such as rats, moles, squirrels, mice and raccoons. Conservation recommends that everyone is mindful of their own attractants within their control and remind their neighbours of the same. Ensuring that there is no birdfeeders or open garbage that may attract rodents will help. Please ensure you keep your outdoor cooking appliances clean and report any cougar sightings to the BC Conservation Service at 1-877-952-7277.
Cougars will move on paths and travel ways when the area is free of people, usually at night. This is what was likely observed on our new Skytrain rail last week.
With that in mind we would recommend that you remain vigilant and encourage children to play in groups while being supervised, and keep small pets inside after dark. Having noise makers or music playing while the children are outside can assist. Dogs are often excellent warning devices.
No information received by Conservation have reported predatory or stalking behaviour and there has been no behavior reported that would warrant destruction. All of the reports have been sightings of the animals in the area. The activities of these cougars are being monitored by Conservation and they will respond accordingly should their observed behaviour change.
If you observe a cougar moving through the area, please contact the BC Conservation Service at 1-877-952-7277 and the Port Moody Police non-emergency line at 604-461-3456. If you believe the cougar’s behaviour appears aggressive or dangerous, call 911 immediately.
Here's a picture of them strolling on the new skytrain tracks: