Both Daycares are open today, Jan. 16, 2020
Good morning everyone, Heritage Mountain Daycare & Rocky Point Montessori are both open today. Please take your time driving in today,...
Daycares are closed today, Jan. 15, 2020
Good morning everyone, Due to heavy snowfall, Heritage Mountain Daycare & Rocky Point Montessori will both be closed today. The...
Take extra caution on the roads today
Good afternoon everyone. The snow & rain today has created undesirable driving conditions throughout the lower mainland. Please be extra...
We are open today, Feb 15, 2019
Good morning everyone, Good news, we didn't get much more snow after our last post, and the streets seem to be safe enough for everyone...
Daycare status for Friday, Feb 15, 2019
Good evening everyone, It has been snowing non stop in parts of the Tri-Cities since 3:30 pm. It is too early for us to decide on the...
Both Daycares are open today, Feb. 13, 2019
Good morning everyone, Heritage Mountain Daycare & Rocky Point Montessori are both open today. Please take your time driving in today,...
Daycares are closed today, Feb. 12, 2019
Good morning everyone, Due to heavy snowfall, Heritage Mountain Daycare & Rocky Point Montessori will both be closed today. As many of...
Daycare Status for Monday Feb. 11, 2019
Good morning, Environment Canada has issued a Snowfall Warning starting this afternoon going into the evening. Heritage Mountain Daycare...
Metro Vancouver Snowfall warning
Alerts for: Metro Vancouver Warnings 4:42 AM PST Friday 23 February 2018 Snowfall warning in effect for: City of Vancouver - including...
Cougar sightings in Port Moody
There has been many cougar sightings in Port Moody in the past few months. My husband spotted a cougar strolling on Ioco Rd in the early...